Blog November 28, 2016

No Matter What You Think of the U.S. Election Outcome…

By Alain J. Gilbert, Co-Chair, Bionest Partners


The U.S. Presidential election is over. No matter how you personally feel about the outcome, the fact of Donald Trump’s election is likely to be positive for the healthcare industry and biopharma. The reason: the issue of new drug pricing is not going to be a top priority for the incoming administration.  Thus, the uncertainty that has plagued this sector — fueled by fears that Democrats would harm the industry through new regulation — has lifted to a considerable extent.


Stephan Patten of Sectoral Asset Management, a firm that manages $1.25 billion of healthcare assets including a private equity vehicle that I advise, has published an excellent analysis of the election results and his predictions of how they will affect healthcare and biopharma. Based on his analysis, the outlook looks good for our industry.  He has granted permission for us to share this piece, “US Elections Outcome Turns Headwind into Tailwind for Healthcare,” with you. I hope you will find it as insightful and encouraging as I have.