
PRIME Launched by EMA to Speed Review and Approval of Innovative, “Breakthrough” Drugs

Four years ago, the US Food and Drug Administration launched its “breakthrough designation” program, designed to speed the review and potential approval of new therapeutics deemed to offer the possibility of substantial improvement over existing options for patients with life-threatening or serious diseases. Since then, the FDA has approved more than 30 drugs in this category, many...


Visit Us at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference – Jan 11-14 in San Francisco!

We are looking forward to attending the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference again January 11-14, 2016, in San Francisco.   Three of Bionest’s leaders, Alain J. Gilbert, Olivier Lesueur, and Bob Easton, will be available to meet one-on-one for 30 minutes in our private suite, between Monday Jan 11 and Thursday Jan 14.   For Bionest,...


BIO Europe 2015 Conference – Reflections

Bionest attended BIO Europe in Munich last month and witnessed firsthand the flurry of deal making activity.  In many ways 2015 has been a landmark year for deal making.  Companies big and small have made headlines, striking deals across every corner of the industry and for myriad reasons ranging from combination collaborations to the recent...