
AI Aiding Earlier, More Accurate Cancer Screening

Recent research clearly illustrates the potential that artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning systems offer for improving the detection and diagnosis of cancer, whether from radiological images or tissue analysis. While further clinical validation of such systems is needed before they can be reliably deployed in medical practice, they are expected to benefit patient care...


Liquid Biopsy Methods Showing Their Worth

The ability to detect and monitor mutational changes in tumors through a simple blood test has spurred considerable development within the field of liquid biopsy. While questions remain about the accuracy of such tests and the most relevant analyte to measure (i.e., circulating tumor DNA, cell free DNA, circulating tumor cells), liquid biopsy could offer...


Meet You at ASCO!

ASCO, the world’s largest meeting focused on cancer, is always one of the highlights of our calendar here at Bionest. This year is no exception and several of us are headed to Chicago for this year’s event, which is being held from May 31 to June 4. If you are going to ASCO, we’d love...


Alzheimer’s Disease Update

Scientific evidence increasingly points to brain inflammation as a major driver of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Researchers have discovered that amyloid, one of the hallmarks of the disease, is antimicrobial and may help the immune system fight invaders to the brain. They theorize that accumulating amyloid plaques and tau tangles in response to infection set the...


New Approaches to an Earlier Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis

We have written previously about the need for earlier diagnosis for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias, a capability that could both aid in the discovery and the development of new therapies, and increase the chances for better patient outcomes in slowing or preventing cognitive decline. Recently, researchers have presented data on several new non-invasive...


BIO2018, here we come: Real-time oncology and biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease

The BIO International Convention is a huge gathering each year, as around 15-18,000 representatives from across industry and around the world get together to discuss policy, partnering, and product development over the course of four days. This year’s event, to be held in Boston from June 4 – 7, should be no exception. BIO has...


Giving Thanks in IO

The immuno-oncology (IO) field has a lot to be thankful for as the year comes to a close.   Not only are PD-1/PDL-1 inhibitors being rapidly approved, their use is being extended into new indications and tumor types well beyond what people expected. From melanoma and lung cancer to bladder, gastric and liver cancer, drugs...


Alzheimer’s Disease and the Diagnostic Dilemma

Head over to LinkedIn to read an article by our principal consultant Rachel Laing as part of our continuing commentary on Alzheimer’s Disease.  


Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease — Part 2

As we wrote in our last post, the ability to accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s disease before a person’s death has been problematic. Experts estimate that a third or more of patients’ cognitive impairment or dementia may be inaccurately diagnosed. As a result, such patients may not benefit from the treatments they do receive or may have...